DMLinking News

FreeDV mode 6000 GUI & FEC


The mode 6000 frame format has changed a bit. Forward Error Correction was added and a new branch of the freedv-gui was created with support for mode 6000. Freedv-gui can also create an network device (using eth_ar addresses) for data traffic.

GLib mainloop


In order to ease integration with other programs the DML library and associated programs now use the GLIB mainloop instead of dml_poll

freedv_eth updates


freedv_eth (part of the eth_ar package) has been updated to support audio streams with multiple sample rates. Untill now all streams would be handled internally at 8kHz. From now on they will use the native sample frequency (typically 48kHz) when possible and will only be resampled when needed. For example when being send over the internet, or used to generate codec2 frames.

This change prepares freedv_eth to handle LPCNet based audio which uses a sample rate of 16kHz.

FreeDV mode 6000


First tests were done with a new FreeDV mode. It is a 6000 bps mode suitable for FM radios. First tests were done with 5Watt over a distance of 11km. The code can be found here:

Of course the new mode allows use of FPRS and will be supported by eth_ar and DML.

Pale Moon supports H.264 in matroska containers


Pale Moon ( accepted patches to support H.264 encoded video in matroska (and webm) containers. This means that such dml streams can now be played live in the browser.

Update 2019/07/18 A new stream was created with the mime type 'video/x-matroska; codecs="avc1.42001E,mp4a.40.2"'. to test client capabilities. There are now two versions of '' available. On with pure webm, one with h.264 video and AAC audio.

Updated to new Codec2 version


Eth_ar and dml have been updated to support the new 450/WB Codec2 modes. DV packets are now also including level and transmission values.

Install guide for the Raspberry Pi 3


An install guid for creating a trx controller using a Raspberry Pi

New CA for CEPT licenses


A new CA has been created for CEPT licenses.

First DML repeater: PI2EHV!


Today the a repeater controller was connected to the PI2EHV UHF repeater. With it the repeater became the first official repeater on the DML network, and also the first mixed mode repeater as it is capable of receiving both analog FM and FreeDV mode 2400B.

The new controller is based on an board with the Allwinner A20 CPU sponsored by Vitsch Electronics.

More information about PI2EHV (Dutch)


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